Strategy Design, Translation &
Execution TM (SDTE)
Become a Strategy Driven Institution
In the current highly competitive market, enormous
customer demands and very dynamic business environment, sustainable high
performance rides on the trail of well-articulated corporate and business
Your institution will become sustainable high
performing if all its activities are driven by strategy. Thus, every institution
must understand where it stands now, where it is headed as a corporate body, and
how it wants to get there. This whole scenario is the organizational strategy.
The institution must then make a critical decision of what business process it
would focus on to help it get there. This is its business strategy. Finally, the
institution must determine what resources would help it functionally deliver
what it has promised. This explains why strategies are usually developed by the
senior leaders of an organization. Every discrete part of the organization must
thereafter formulate its own strategies and ensure that these strategies are
fully integrated to the business strategy. The business strategy should in turn
link to the organizational strategy.
TDI has successfully helped clients navigate these
paths. We are not only involved at the corporate and the business levels but we
also design the implementation process that translates these strategies into
operational terms for execution by management and operational staff.
Furthermore, our ‘focused training’ programs help
to train our client’s personnel, thus placing the “right person in the right
place” TM, to ensure an over all success of our strategic plan. Also,
where training a client’s personnel requires an extended period of training,
TDI’s Executive Placement team temporarily puts their skilled personnel in
positions while the client’s staff is being training. This allows for both
structured and on-the-job training for the client’s personnel.
TDI’ Strategic format:
- Interact with the senior leadership team of the
institution to clarify, validate or determine the strategic direction
- Draw up the strategic framework that defines the
vision, mission, strategic objectives, value proposition, corporate goals and
responsibilities, critical success factors, key performance measurements and
strategic themes
of the institution. The strategic themes are details of the key areas in which
the institution must excel in order to achieve its mission and vision, and
deliver value to customers. This framework
precedes the strategy map.
- Prepare the strategy map. This is a one-page
representation of the corporate goals into four perspectives that include the
financial, Customer, Process and Learning and Growth, in a course-and-effect
relationship, with ultimate link to the corporate vision. Leaders normally
emphasize the important of the strategy map by displaying copied in the
boardroom and corporate offices. This acts as a reminder to all that the
institution s strategy driven.
- Implement appropriate performance measurement and
management systems to ensure that our implemented strategy delivers the promised
sustainable high performance. Our balanced scorecard system mirrors the strategy
To contact us for your Strategic Planning process click here